Tuesday, February 22, 2005

An update on this weekend

So it's been about a week, and I felt the need to make sure everyone was up to date on my life. The tournament this weekend at the rec was good... Uncle Johnny came to watch me, and so did Nicole! That made me happy :) Eventhough I lost to my only opponent, she's a friend of mine and happens to be a black belt (not that i'm making excuses or anything...). Anyway, overall the tourney was fun and I had a good time.

Sunday I got a lot of work done and finally finished the last book in the series I've been reading the last few weeks. Although I'm sad the books are over, I can't wait to start in on the Goodkind series I've been meaning to read, ohhh, for about a year now. I read the first 2 books, but I think i'm going to have to re-read them because it's been so long.

Now I'm trying to get some errands done and get ready for Jeff to come down to C.S. :) Good times had by all. Hope everyone has had a good week so far, and if you happen to see me around campus (all you College Station locals) don't hesitate to stop me from my book reading and force me to be social.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some cheeses are just NASTY.

I had a food bacteriology lab today, and one of the components of it was cheese tasting. Ok, you got the usual: cheddar, swiss, blue cheese, some brie (yum!).... you get the picture. But then, they said, "Ok guys. We're giving extra points on the final to any one willing to taste the 'lindberger cheese'." Oooooh goodness. Ok, right there should be a sign saying "hey, if they're giving extra credit for it, it probably will taste nasty." But really, it's points on the final. So I tried it. First of all, it smelled of stinky feet, and tasted as badly as it smelled. Eww. Anyway, that was my story of the day. Other than that, just trying to survive the next few days. Pray for me. I'll need it.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I have the best Valentine ever :)

This year is the 4th Valentine's Day Jeff and I will spend together. Because this special day fell on a Monday, we decided to celebrate a bit early. Saturday, Jeff picked me up and took me to Potbellies (a good sandwich place) and had lunch. We thought about going to an art museum, but instead, we went back to my house to play "Life" with Luke. After I won (booyaaa), we lounged around a bit. Then we went out to dinner at Ali Baba's- the best Egyptian restaurant EVER!! :) Afterwards I gave Jeff his Valentine's present and then went to see "Million Dollar Baby". Good movie. And that, unfortunately, was the end of our awesome Valentine's Day date :( I wish it could have lasted longer. But like I said: I have the best valentine ever :)

Other than that, I'm back at College Station, and I'm just kind of overwhelmed and tired. I will be glad for a nice long nap at some point this week. I am getting to the point when I'm not being able to stay awake very long. Eh. That's what happens to college students. Cameron told me today that a college student should get 9-10 hours a night, but I usually get around 6-7. Man, I need a day of catching up ;)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Odessa, Tx.

Oh goodness. The 16 hours in a van with 6 other judokas was worth it (I guess ;)) because I got first place in my division at the judo tournament! Yay!! That technically means that I am the Texas State Champion in my weight class. Hah. yeah right. It just means that I was one of the people in my division who wasn't lazy and braved the 8 hour drive there. Anyway, that's about all to report for now. Until next time... have a good week, guys. :)