Wednesday, June 30, 2004

shopping :)

Ok, after a very long hiatus of not being able to go to the mall, I actually went shopping yesterday! It was one of the most necessary shopping trips I've had in a while. It was not just the need for clothing that drove me to Post Oak Mall, but the need to get out of the duplex and enjoy a few hours of "me time" as well. And besides, going with two of the most thrifty shoppers on the planet helps to not feel guilty afterwards too.

On another note, Only 1 more hour of biology lab after today, which means I'm free from biology experiments for the rest of the summer!! YAY! Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed my lab taking experience... Though I didn't enjoy going 3 days a week for 3 hours (especially on Friday afternoons). So after Friday after around 2 PM, I will be one happy camper.

Speaking of Friday, I get to go home this weekend. 4th of July and all that grand stuff. Good times.

Well, I must be off to another fun-filled day of biology. Until we meet again...

Monday, June 28, 2004

Mondays are so long!

As long as there are Mondays, I will always be tired once it slows down a bit. We went a bit longer than usual in lecture this morning, and we stayed essentially the entire time in lab. Though, we did get a bunch of homework done in lab due to all the "sitting around time" we had. Thus, today was a test of not only the endurance of the mind, but also a test of my patience.

Anyway, I don't really have all that much to say other than that. Not too interesting at the moment. So I guess I'll say farewell for now. Go on your merry way on the Internet, or say hello to a friend on AIM. In any case, I'm setting you free of my incessant babbling.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

the end of a great weekend...

Well, I apologize for my lack of blog postings the last few days. It's been quite hectic.

I had to deal with a test in biology, a quiz in lab, and cleaning the house for the arrival of Jeff, Barb, and Pete. Speaking of... it was awesome having my Michigan friends here in College Station. :) Being able to show them my life here was fun and exciting. We got to go to Schlitterbahn despite the 70% chance of rain. Oddly enough, it never rained on us, and we got a good 5 hours of sunny play time. Though, I did get a little (and by a little, I mean a pretty painful) sunburn on my shoulders, chest, and back. But it's ok. I'm better off than Jeff who looks like a lobster. Good thing I had aloe vera gel on hand from my last severe burning.

I am heading into my last week of the first summer session, which is pretty exciting. After Friday, I have no more biology lab for the rest of the summer!! YAY! But as of now, I still have 3 labs to go to, so this is the start of my countdown: >15 hours of lab to go.

Speaking of lab, I should be doing my homework instead of procrastinating, but I wanted to update my frequent visitors :) Off to another fun week of biology...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Judo chop!! (not really chop...)

Well, I survived my first night back at judo since last Tuesday. I didn't have any trouble with my shoulder, and I learned several new throws. So that made me happy.

I'm going nuts with my biology test coming up tomorrow... I'm scared that I won't do well, but at the same time, I don't really care right now. Hence the writing instead of studying :D But right now I guess I really should get to work on memorizing facts that will soon be regurgitated onto a scantron. Until tomorrow, I will say good night :)

Monday, June 21, 2004

ah mondays

It hasn't been too bad of a Monday thus far. I got a walk this morning in class, got out an hour and a half early from lab this afternoon, and managed a trip to the grocery store after dinner :) Excellent.

My shoulder is healing nicely, so I decided that I would be ok to go to judo practice tomorrow night. I'll update tomorrow night on how that goes. I don't foresee anything bad happening, but just in case, prayers might need to be in order.

On a side note, I am thoroughly enjoying having Murphy around the duplex :) I've never had a dog, and the fact that this particular canine has taken interest in me makes me feel special. We bonded this evening over my dinner of chicken and rice, and a good 'ol rerun of Seinfeld. *sigh* All is well and good in the world.

Thus, I am going to leave this blog on a happy note. I am going to enjoy some fun-looking biology that's been calling my name.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

no, I haven't forgotten already

I was in Dallas this weekend, so no, I haven't forgotten about my blog already. It was so much fun getting to spend time with Jeff, my parents, Luke, and Matt :) I'm already missing them.

But I don't want to dwell on the leaving, but just the fun times we had these past few days. On friday, I went bowling with Jeff and some other friends (Chris, Carissa, J.D., Jessica, Brett and Devin), and I ended up bowling (more like chunking the bowling ball) with my left hand due to my shoulder injury. I surprised myself with a game score of 104!! That's pretty good for me.

Saturday night, Cameron, Matt, Jeff and I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie at the IMAX. That was pretty awesome, but I think the movie could have been a bit longer to explain a few points that were left out. But it was an overall enjoyable experience.

Today I got to spend lots of time with my dad for father's day. That was bunches of fun, because on a regular weekend home, i wouldn't have been able to spend that much time with my family. Anyway, since this blog is getting a bit long and my stomach's yelling at me, I will say goodbye.... for now. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2004

ok... now onto actual information

Alrighty... now that I know this actually works, I can start telling nonexistent people the events of my day.

I went to biology class as usual, but the UNusual part about it was that I had to wear a sling to class due to the brutal beating my shoulder got a couple of days ago at judo. The doctor at beutal dubbed it a "seperated shoulder" and proceeded to hand me this white, mesh-looking rectangular piece of cloth that I am supposed to tote around. Honestly, I feel silly wearing it, but if it is going to get me well, then I guess I'm game. Besides, I would much rather have a little bit of pain for a short while then a little bit of pain that gets progressively worse for perhaps the rest of my life.

More excitement: I get to go home today!! I can hardly wait for the fun drive with Cameron, the meeting up with friends and Jeff, and being able to see my family :) The only thing preventing me from going right now is my lab. But hopefully that won't last too long.

Alright. So I guess that's about it for now. Hopefully I'll keep this up, and it won't be a "one time deal". (ok, so only about 6-7 people will actually get that inside joke...) Until tomorrow...

the start of a new era

Ok... so this is the official start of my blog. I don't know who's going to be reading this, but hopefully, someone will. Anywho, this is a test. I will update as soon as i know this works...