Saturday, September 24, 2005

The madness that is I45

Yes, folks, I did decide to brave the traffic and loads of people coming up from Houston to come back home to Dallas. However, I was one of the smarter ones and decided to take another way home. My awesomely smart uncle found a way to get around all the traffic on 6 to Waco with some really remote farm roads. My biggest joy: when I found out that 70 mph was allowed on those roads. McSpeedy needed a joy ride after being stuck in 5 mph traffic for about an hour. After the farm roads, I just hopped on 35 and cruised all the way home. Hooray!

After hearing back from some of my friends, my 5 1/2 hour trip was nothing compared to theirs. One poor sole never made it to her destination... she decided to stop and crash at her aunt and uncle's place. :( My mom was amazed that I actually made it home considering all of the chaos.

Now I'm waiting around a bit until I go get my hair cut this morning. I'm getting quite a bit off, so be prepared for something new and different. :) Also... 1 more day till my birthday!! 21, here I come!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Less than a week!!

Countdown to my birthday continues: 6 days!! So exciting. Thursday night I'm heading home. YAY! Now it's figuring out how to get through this week...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My official b-day countdown:

11 more days until my birthday! I'm excited :) But for now, I have to worry about biochemistry and zoology. Update will soon follow.

Monday, September 05, 2005

My apologies

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while... a lot has been going on. Last week I started my first week of school. Mondays are great because I have one class at 10:20, and that's it. Fridays are also totally awesome because I don't have any classes. However, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are pretty bad, but Monday and Friday make up for it. I have 2 labs this semester, but zoology doesn't seem to be too bad. I don't know about biochem lab yet because we didn't have to go last week. Other than class, I've been hanging out with my roommates and going to judo. Tonight we have our first beginners practice of the year, so that should be interesting. Mandy and I also created some paintings for the front room of the duplex, so if you want to see them, come on by! They're pretty awesome.

On another note, if anyone has an all sports pass and would like to go to the soccer game on friday, let me know! I would love to have the company. Not too much else is going on... I guess I'll post later on when I have something more exciting to tell about.