Monday, June 27, 2005

Weddings, jobs, apartment sitting.

Man, so many things have happened since I last blogged! Cam and Matt tied the knot, and all of it was just beautiful. I teared up countless times knowing that I now have a sister :) I really can't explain how happy I am for the two of them. Things that really stood out in my mind about the wedding:
1. dancing... and seeing Cam dance with Mr. McClelland (that was so cute!)
2. the hotness. we all had waterfalls down our legs, but after the sun went down, it was perfect.
3. Matt and Dad in kilts
4. Luke almost passing out from the heat (they were in tuxes, so I don't blame them one bit!)
5. all the happy people.

My job is going well... lots of scanning, but hey, it's money. I'm also doing well in my classes, but it really doesn't feel like I'm in school. You won't hear any complaining about that from me!

This past week I apartment/Piper sat for Matt and Cameron. It was nice being able to spend time with Piper and have somewhere to get away for a little bit. I was able to organize some stuff for the newlyweds while they were gone so they didn't have to do so much when they got back. Mr. and Mrs. Hall came over on Sunday (the last day I was there) and we decorated their apartment with lights and ribbon and other wedding materials. That was a lot of fun.

As far as today goes, I was invited to go be the assistant for a local nutritionist who held a talk for high school students. After that we went to lunch with a client of hers and I was able to sit in with her session. I gained some invaluable knowledge today that I hope I will never forget.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Bad blogger, bad.

I'm sorry I've been slacking. So here's a quick update on the goings on in my life at the moment.
1. I start summer school on Monday. Not too worried about it, seeing as how a) it's community college, and b) it's over the internet. However, boo for expensive books.

2. I'm officially working!! Mr. Foster (a band parent) offered me a job working for him. New high tech scanner + new computer = work for emily. Hooray! I'm on my lunch break at this very moment.

3. ONLY 7 MORE DAYS TILL THE WEDDING!!! I'm so excited :)
I guess that's about it for now. Need to scurry on back to work, but I will try to be better at updating.