Good grief.
An update on things around College Station:
1. I got a nose piercing (Cameron's blog can expand :)); it's on the right side, and pink (i'm refering to the stud, not an infection around it or anything)
2. I successfully survived another round of tests. HOORAY!!
3. I yet again seperated my shoulder. Yes... again. The same shoulder. I went to the "quack shack" yesterday to get it checked out, and it is apparently a moderate-severe seperation. Good thing it's my right shoulder... otherwise I wouldn't be able to function very well. I go to a specialist on Monday afternoon, and that will tell me more about what i need to do.
Other than those things, the only other thing to report is that my mom, dad, and Luke are coming into town for Luke's official A&M visit! Fun :) Update to follow.