Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm home, and I'm loving it. The atmosphere feels much more holiday-ish than down in College Station... I guess because all I'm doing down there is studying and tests. Having the family around is very comforting. Jeff came home last night too!! (I know what you're thinking... "what? Emily's excited about this? Noooooo. She couldn't be." ) :) Anyway, I guess that's about all I have to report for now. I'll give you all a detailed update when I return to Duplexia. Until then...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

We had so much fun this weekend.

Cameron and I spent Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday having a wonderful time talking and getting caught up. It was so fun getting to play Mario Kart with her and Amanda :) , eating dinner together, watching movies, and having girl talk.

As far as this week goes, I'm working on reading for anthropology, getting to know my organic notes, and learning lots of music and history notes. I'm also going to lots of judo practice, where I feel like I'm improving. My goal for this school year: to be worthy enough to go to nationals. That would be so awesome. At this point, I'm just working on getting my technique better so I can kick some butt at the tournament in Dallas that I'm competing at over the Thanksgiving holiday. Yay!!

Anyway, back to some homework so I can retain information tomorrow.

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Friday, November 12, 2004

My car's official name:

MacSpeedy the Wonder Car!! Cameron and I figured that name out just today. I will try to use that name as much as possible so people do not get confused as to what to call my lean, mean, speedy machine :) Anywho, back to my weekend. An update will be available soon enough.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I woke up remembering I had an organic chemistry test. I was already really nervous. So I get in my car and drive to the parking garage. After getting out of my car, I look over my shoulder to see if I'd forgotten anything (in my trunk, my sunglasses, anything I would need for the day), and I noticed that I had a flat tire. Great. Excellent. Just what I needed. I was already flustered about my test, so I decided to ignore it until I got back from classes.

I went and took my test (which was hard, but I think I did ok on), went to my other classes, and then went to the MSC to vote. After 30 minutes of standing in a freakishly large line, I was informed that I was not in the right place to vote. Crap. So I figured out where I needed to vote, and headed back to my car, when I remembered that I still had a flat tire to deal with. Be proud- I changed my tire to put on my spare ALL BY MYSELF! Go me :) At the very end of my tire change a guy came up to me and asked if I needed any help, and I politely said no because I was already almost done... he was in awe. He stated, "wow. I don't really know many girls that can fix their own car." Well, now you do, buddy, now you do.

So then my day started to look better. I finally went to the grocery store, went to vote (where I stood in line for a whole 5 minutes), and came back home. Hooray! Anyway, that was the extent of my day. Good times. Now I'm relaxing and a bit annoyed that Liz still hasn't taken her clothes out of the dryer. She started her laundry yesterday afternoon. People, it shouldn't take you that long. OK, enough ranting. Off to do something productive :)